What is my teen going to do this summer?

Summer is here.

Are you panicking about all the downtime your teen will have?

If you are, you are not alone!

The thought of them waking up at noon and spending the day on their screens—gaming or scrolling Tik Tok—just makes your blood boil. 

You can’t resist saying, “What’s your plan for the summer?” “You can’t just sit around and do nothing!”

You might get a shrug and hear, “I don’t know.” or, “Mom, lay off me!”

You offer suggestions to motivate them.

They get annoyed.

“Don’t worry, I’ll figure it out” or “I’ve got it!”

Your heart pounds anticipating conflict and tension for the next few months.

If this is happening in your house, try this:

Calmly ask your teen, “What would you like to do this summer?” (There is a possibility that you can live with their answer. Boom! Problem solved!)

They might say a snarky response like, “Play video games all day.” 

Stay calm and acknowledge their desire, “Video games are sure fun to play.” Then ask, “What else do you enjoy doing?”

If they push you off, agree to a specific time that they will have an answer.

If their answer is unreasonable, share what you would like to see happen and try to find some middle ground.

Be patient. (This is hard.)

Notice a calm and collaborative conversation emerges.

When you connect first, cooperation follows.

♥️ Jeanine

P.S. Have you checked out my free classes

And if you want to know the exact steps to guide your teen in a positive direction so you can enjoy summer, let’s work together

Jeanine Mouchawar

Hi! I’m Jeanine, a parenting coach for dedicated moms and dads who want to help their children thrive and deepen their connection. My Parenting Mastery program is curated for you.


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