Bringing Awareness Into Your Life

“Awareness is the power that is concealed within the present moment.” - Eckhart Tolle

I recently completed an advanced coaching certification (COR.E Dynamics by iPEC) that focuses on a long-term philosophy and way of living that really resonated with me and I want to share it with you.

The first discipline in the program is awareness - awareness of who you are and how you are showing up.

Am I feeling stressed? Is it coming from the story that’s playing inside my head? Is it from the current environment I find myself in? What’s influencing me right now? 

One of my clients was experiencing stress regarding people not continuing their subscription to her service.

Using the insight of awareness, she recognized that she was making an assumption that the client was not renewing because her business was not providing value. The fact was there could have been a myriad of reasons that had nothing to do with the value of the service: financial, change in career path, etc.

By using this awareness, she reduced her stress and chose to channel her energy obtaining new clients. She successfully managed her workplace issue and created a more effective outcome.  

If we can become aware, or conscious, of what’s happening in the present moment, we have an opportunity to change what we are thinking and feeling, respond differently, and create a more effective outcome. (The secret trick is to stick to the facts.)

What are your thoughts about bringing awareness into your daily life?

Jeanine Mouchawar

Hi! I’m Jeanine, a parenting coach for dedicated moms and dads who want to help their children thrive and deepen their connection. My Parenting Mastery program is curated for you.

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