Don’t let your thoughts fool you.
When you try to control your teen’s situation, it’s your fear talking.
“Mom, you just don’t get it!”
When you try to fix your teen’s problem, they push you away.
What is amazing about your teen?
When you intentionally fill your mind with what is amazing about your teen, you can tap into patience, compassion, and understanding.
What’s up with all the lying?
Sometimes there is a block that prevents your teen from being honest with you.
Have you ever thought about how your expectations impact your teen?
Your teen wants to feel like regardless of WHAT they do, you accept them for WHO they are.
“Why did you do that?!?!!!”
Your teen is doing the best they can with the tools they have.
Would you like an unsolicited hug from your teen?
Give your teen your presence, not your solution.
Try this ONE phrase to help you enjoy the holidays.
Experience a more joyous and meaningful holiday season.
You don’t have to create a magical Christmas alone.
Together, you can create new traditions with family time, meaningful connection, joy, and laughter.
All I want for Christmas is for my teen to listen to me.
Create the relationship you always imagined.
Don’t Ever Give Up on Your Teen
Encourage the behavior that will help them be the best version of themselves.